heating and cooling hub hero

Apkures un dzesēšanas mezgls

Laipni lūgti Apkures un dzesēšanas centrā

Gandrīz 90 gadus Alfa Laval ir attīstījusi siltuma pārneses tehnoloģijas, ko izmanto visdažādākajās nozarēs, procesos un lietojumos. Visa šī pieredze ir devusi mums bagātīgu pieredzi, ko mēs izmantojam, palīdzot klientiem paaugstināt energoefektivitāti ar uzticamāku un ilgtspējīgāku siltuma efektivitāti. Mūsu Apkures un dzesēšanas centrā jūs varat izmantot šīs zināšanas, izmantojot dažādus rīkus un resursus, kas paredzēti, lai palīdzētu jums uzlabot ilgtspējību, maksimāli izmantojot jūsu apkures vai dzesēšanas pienākumu.

For almost 90 years, Alfa Laval has been improving heat transfer technologies used in many different industries, processes, and applications. We’ve gathered a lot of expertise along the way, and we use it to help our customers improve their energy efficiency with reliable and sustainable heating and cooling solutions. All our heat exchangers are AHRI-certified, ensuring quality and performance. Whether you’re new to this field or an experienced professional, our HVAC Consultant Portal has a range of tools and resources to help you maximize the efficiency and sustainability of the heating or cooling systems you work on.

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Konsultantu rīki / BIM faili

Balstoties uz unikālām zināšanām, kas gūtas gadu desmitiem gadu ilgā siltuma risinājumu piegādes pieredzē, Alfa Laval ir spējusi izveidot vairākus resursus, kurus varat izmantot, lai atvieglotu ikdienas darbu. Spiediet šeit, lai iepazītos ar BIM failiem, 3D rasējumiem un citiem resursiem, kas atvieglo jūsu ikdienas darbu.

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Vērtīga informācija, kas ietaupa jūsu laiku


Zināšanas par apkuri un dzesēšanu

Izmantojiet Alfa Laval gadu desmitiem ilgās pieredzes priekšrocības plašā termisko pienākumu klāstā.


Lejuplādēt vadošās zināšanas


Product overview

Browse our comprehensive portfolio of leading plate heat exchanger technologies.

Find your solution


Latest news

Read the latest from the world of Alfa Laval heat exchanger development and innovation.

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Check out our heating and cooling webinars

Heating and cooling applications are experiencing a rapid transformation, with sustainability drivers creating all new challenges. But Alfa Laval can help. Join our subject experts for the first ever webinar series devoted to the latest trends – and solutions – shaping our industry. Take part live – or watch on-demand according to your schedule!

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Online heat exchanger training

Sign up for a self-driven course to learn more about the different types of plate heat exchanger technology available today. To make sure you get the most out of Alfa Laval’s expertise, all courses are free of charge. Start them whenever you like and go at your own pace.

Online heat exchanger training

Pārmaiņas mainīgajā aukstuma aģentu tirgū

Šobrīd aukstuma aģentu tirgū notiek vērienīgas pārmaiņas. Tiesību akti, kuru pamatā ir bažas par vidi, veicina pakāpenisku tradicionālo aukstuma aģentu izņemšanu no apgrozības par labu jaunām alternatīvām ar zemāku globālās sasilšanas potenciālu (GWP). Lejupielādējiet šo informatīvo grāmatu, lai uzzinātu, kā izvēlēties un pielāgot alternatīvus aukstumaģentus dažādiem apkures un dzesēšanas lietojumiem.

White paper: Navigating a changing refrigerants market

Accelerate sustainable solutions

Imagine a more sustainable world. A world where it takes less to produce even more. A world where we efficiently meet our growing energy demands and simultaneously reduce CO2 emissions. Image a world where we can harness the power of natural resources, while preserving them at the same time. At Alfa Laval, we don’t just imagine this world. We’re building it - together with our customers and our partners.

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AHRI-performance-certified heat exchangers for confident thermal performance

Certification from the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) is the only global third-party verification of thermal performance, giving you independent assurance that your plate heat exchanger will perform in accordance with the manufacturer’s published ratings. Alfa Laval offers AHRI-certified gasketed plate heat exchangers, brazed plate heat exchangers and fusion-bonded plate heat exchangers.




Air conditioning and heat pumps

Within air conditioning and heat pumps, Alfa Laval works continuously with customers to enhance energy efficiency and create new potential for more sustainable refrigerants. Discover our full range of solutions.


HVAC cooling

Planning a cooling system can be complex. Our combination of experience, knowhow and high-quality heat exchanger technology has helped customers achieve success in a wide range of cooling applications


HVAC heating

We offer energy-efficient solutions for a wide variety of heating and hot water applications. Work with us to optimize conditions for residential and commercial spaces, industrial facilities or public buildings.


Oil cooling

Alfa Laval’s portfolio of compact oil coolers are made from the highest quality materials and engineered to provide mechanical strength and rugged reliability within a small footprint.


Data center cooling

Energy efficient cooling is critical to building more sustainable data center operations. Learn how Alfa Laval works with data center partners all around the world to make it possible.


Commercial refrigeration

Discover refrigeration solutions that deliver the highest performance and energy efficiency, with products optimized for natural and low-GWP refrigerants.


Industrial refrigeration

From industrial freezing and cooling to refrigeration of ice rinks and food processes, Alfa Laval offers the latest, energy-efficient plate heat exchanger solutions.


Fuel cells

Fuel cells are going to be a fundamental part of our clean energy transition. Learn how Alfa Laval’s high performance thermal transfer technologies are playing a critical role.

Our products

For decades, Alfa Laval has been developing plate heat exchanger technology tailored to our customers’ applications. Today we offer the market’s most comprehensive portfolio of plate heat exchangers to cover the widest range of needs. With the experience we have gained along the way, we can match you with your optimal solution.


Brazed plate heat exchangers

  • Lightweight copper-brazed construction with compact footprint
  • Greater thermal efficiency than comparable shell-and-tubes
  • Flexible options to fit a variety of applications with all different types of media/fluids
  • Ideal for natural and low-GWP refrigerants

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Fusion bonded AlfaNova heat exchangers

  • True 100% stainless steel construction
  • Strong corrosion resistance with aggressive media
  • Prevents metal contamination in drinking water and other hygienic applications
  • High thermal efficiency and compact footprint

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Gas-to-liquid plate heat exchangers


  • Supports gas temperatures up to 750°C, with possible temperatures above 1400°C in some applications
  • Very low pressure drop in asymmetric applications thanks to patented “dimple” plate design
  • Lightweight construction up to 75% smaller than comparable shell-and-tubes
  • The only plate heat exchanger type optimized to work with gas media

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Gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchangers

  • Flexible solutions that can be adapted to the duty ensuring highest thermal efficiency
  • Compact designs save space and are easy to service and maintain
  • Solutions to reduce fouling, stress and corrosion for maximum uptime

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Semi-welded plate heat exchangers

  • Highly efficient, reliable technology for applications that can cause pressure or temperature fatigue
  • Guaranteed long sealing lifetime thanks to unique Alfa Laval RefTight™ sealing system
  • A dependable solution for preventing cross-contamination between media

Learn more

Ātrā izvēle

Alfa Laval ļauj viegli atrast labāko risinājumu jūsu lietojumam. Apskatiet mūsu ātrās atlases rīku, lai pārlūkotu produktus un atrastu Alfa Laval partnerus, lai jūs varētu pieprasīt piedāvājumu.

Alfa Laval Heating and Cooling Hub Quick selection

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