Zivju proteīna koncentrāta apstrāde

Zivis un vēžveidīgie ir ideāls hidrolizēta aromāta proteīna avots. Pārtikas rūpniecībā šādas olbaltumvielas ir arvien vairāk pieprasītas kā sastāvdaļas, kas var aizstāt gaļu un ūdeni, kā arī tāpēc, ka tās saista taukus.

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Extracting valuable proteins from the fish using enzyme-based hydrolyzation processes results in digested proteins with a wide range of uses in functional foods and as concentrates, fonds and soup extracts.

Complete systems

This type of manufacturing process involves a delicate balance between the quality of the raw material inputs, the enzyme-based hydrolyzation and the Alfa Laval equipment essential for effective clarification, separation and concentration.

We are uniquely well-placed to make this happen, paving the way to new market opportunities from high-value proteins extracted from fish.