Bezalkoholisko dzērienu ražošana
Alfa Laval higiēniskās sastāvdaļas efektīvi izmanto resursus, piemēram, konsekventi dozējot bezalkoholisko dzērienu ražošanu. Mūsu precīzie vārsti un automatizācija nodrošina, ka gatavajā produktā nav variāciju un ka neviens dārgakmens koncentrāts vai saldinātājs netiek izniekots.
On the pulse of carbonated soft drinks production
Manufacturers of soft drinks get the most out of ingredients with high repeatability and accuracy when taking advantage of our heat transfer, separation and fluid handling technologies.
A wide range of beverages – especially pasteurized ones – also demand sensitive temperature control. The combination of Alfa Laval plate gasketed heat exchangers and pumps allows exact heating and cooling under a steady flow, which preserves taste and colour in addition to shelf life. Our pumps, moreover, are optimized for low-shear transport of high-viscosity ingredients, such as the syrups used in soft drinks.
Flavours of the future
Why choose Alfa Laval?
- Increase production yields
- Decrease ingredient and product loss levels by getting more out of your raw materials
- Reduce consumption of utilities like water and energy — and recycle waste streams
Product catalogue
Spare parts catalogue
A more complete mix
When it comes to optimizing tank processes, Alfa Laval’s portfolio delivers a full range of possibilities.
Ten top tips collection
Hygienic equipment brochures
Find the information you need about our equipment for hygienic use.
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